Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Fresh in the Finger Lakes: Day 5-6

Days 5 and 6 held very little fishing. Day 5 we visited Cornell University and its art museum, then explored Ithaca and looked at some scenic views, including some waterfalls. Day 6 was spent at the Corning glass museum. That was an amazing experience, the art was beautiful, but unfortunately I don't currently have any photos.

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However, after dinner on day 6, I got a chance to go out in the kayak and cast a rubber worm. I hooked up with 5 bass and 1 pickerel, but only landed 2 bass and 1 pickerel. I was fishing in heavy grass mats and weed beds, and the fish would dive into the weeds and throw the hook. 

Funny story... The fish were caught after dinner, and after tasting pickerel and bass previously, we put the three in a collapsible fish net for the night. It's like a stringer, they serve the same purpose, but in the net the fish can swim around. In the morning, however, we found a gaping hole in the net. The pickerel had chewed through!

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